Hard Disk Software Volvo Vcads PTT 1.12 Developer Version With Dev2tool forDELL D630 Laptop
MSN: jiutech9705 at hotmail dot com
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PTT 1.12 Volvo vcads Pro development model, remote control computer Premium Tech Tool dev2tool.exe software
Developer Tool (Dev2tool.exe) for PTT
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VCADS 2.40 PTT 1.12 download Volvo software dev2tool.exe
Volvo vcads Super Programming Software Premium Tech Tool dev2tool.exe software + PTT software in development model
1. Dealer tool to access and program parameters in Level2 and Level3 without connecting to central severs;
2. Works with Tech Tool (VCADs Pro), Normalor Development mode, support 28 languages;
3. Support all brands and models supported by Tech Tool (VCADs Pro);
4. Make programmable more than 11000 parameters.
5. Program speed limit, change chassis ID, disable immobilizer;
6. Change minimum/maximum values of parameters, for example: increase speed limit;
This hard disk is for DELL D630 Laptop