Super AD900 Key programmer, with ID4D function, read, write and caculate code from key transponder
MSN: jiutech9705 at hotmail dot com
The professional duplicating machine, Transpronics, has been designed and developed to assist immobilizer system specialists. Transpronics is not only a duplicating machine; it is also a unique machine that can make transponders from eeproms in immobilizer boxes when a customer has lost all keys. It can also inform you if a transponder is locked or not. It has been developed over 4 years. It can copy most crypto transponders like 42, 45, 4D, most of 44 VAG and some 40 and 41 transponders.
It can copy Texas fixed transponders to TPX1 without battery transponders.
Identify Transponder
Write Transponder Codes
Copy Transponder
Calculate eeprom memory
Calculate Transponder Codes from eeprom memory
Calculate pin-codes from eeprom memory , from chassis and from Transponder
Test Transponder
Generate Fixed Transponder Codes
PC Software
Copy all fixed transponders
Copy most of crypto transponders
Show all information about all transponders
Calculate eeprom logics from transponder memory.
Calculate transponder logics from eeprom logics
Calculate pin-codes from transponders
Calculate pin-codes from chassis numbers
Unlock most of 48 transponders.
Generate Crypto Transponders from blank Crypto transponders for Renault -Chrysler and Jeep.
You can generate 46 Renault“ Chrysler and Jeep transponders from blank 46 transponders.
Generate transponder logics for fixed transponders.