Dev2tool+Volvo vcads with full cables+PTT+Multi-language
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Volvo vcads 9998555 Communication Interface volvo vcads , Truck Diagnostic scanner
V2.4 Volvo Truck Diagnostic Tool Volvo VCADS Pro
volvo ptt 1.12 vcads2.40, volvo vcads pro,development for vcads volvo fh12
VOLVO TRUCK SCANNER Volvo Interface 9998555 Volvo VCADS Pro
Volvo vcads with full cables+PTT+dev2tool.exe Multi-languages dev2tool exe Actived
1. Dealer tool to access and program parameters in Level2 and Level3 without connecting to central severs;
2. Works with Tech Tool (VCADs Pro), Normal or Development mode, support 28 languages;
3. Support all brands and models supported by Tech Tool (VCADs Pro);
4. Make programmable more than 11000 parameters.
5. Program speed limit, change chassis ID, disable immobilizer;
6. Change minimum/maximum values of parameters, for example: increase speed limit;
Premium Tech Tool (PTT) - diagnostic application specially designed to test, calibrate and program engine parameters. Many functions in today's modern vehicles are controlled by Electronic Control Units (ECUs). ECUs control components such as the engine, instrumentation and certain vehicles funtions. PTT is a toolbox that bundles diagnostic (VCADS) and repair applications (Guided Diagnostics) together making it a one stop shop for the technicians. The main purpose of PTT is to support the diagnostic and repair process to make it easier for technicians to work with the tools provided. PTT provides access to vehicle and parameter programming, service information and diagnostics. PTT Development mode gives you more rights for aceessing, diagnosing and programming parameters.
Package Contents:
1. Communication unit, connected between the VCADS Pro tool and the vehicle communication socket.
2. Communication unit VCADS connection diagnostic connector 25P extension cords.
3. RS232. Of communication the unit VCADS and PC cable
4. 6 pin diagnostic adapter, for Volvo Penta.
5. Adapter for EDC. Used together with communication unit for the 9 pin communication outlet in the vehicle EDC before 1994.
6. Adapter for DXI. Used together with communication unit for the 12 pin outlet in the vehicle Renault DXI(VF627).
7. 9 pin diagnostic adapter, for vehicles built from January 1999. (Applies only to North American models).
8. Cable for connection between communication unit and the vehicle communication outlet. OBD-connector Volvo FE and FL,Renault DXI.(88890018)
9. Cable for connection between communication unit and the vehicle communication outlet. OBD-connector Volvo BUS B12 ( 9998960)
10.14 pin diagnostic adapter, for Volvo construction.
11.Adapter for ABS. Used together with communication unit for the 8 pin communication black outlet in the vehicle before 1998.
12.Hard Disk include volvo vcads pro v2.4 +PTT+ PTT Develop model + Dev2tool
VOLVO Interface 9998555 for Volvo Truck and Volvo Excavator
Volvo Vcads V2.4
PTT 1.12
Volvo Developer Actived & Dev2tool.exe