Full Set CF30 Laptop Volvo Vocom 88890300 for volvo engine diagnosis with Volvo Vocom Software PTT 2.05.87 support FH FM
Whatsapp: +8613631686452
Email: Shirley@jiutech.com
Full Package:
1) 88890305 USB Cable
2) 88890304 OBD Cable
3) 88890306 FCI/8 PIN Cable
4) 88890302 9 Pin Cable
5) 9993832 14 pin diagnostic cable
6) Vocom 88890300 interface
7) PTT 2.05.87/VCADS Pro 3.06 version (We have install all software well into this laptop and you could use directly when you get it.)
8) CF30 Laptop (I am highly recommend buy it a s a kit, It will be very convenience)
9) volvo dev2tool software PTT2.05.87 (programming all possible parameters )
(2 software into 1 laptop/Hard Disk PTT 2.5.87 & 1.12)
Truck Diagnostic Software Diagnosis for Volvo truck excavator diagnosis software 2.5.87 version & 1.12 version ptt in development model
PTT for diagosis & trouble shooting
Package: 1 hard disk Software activatedd by teamviewer)
Great NEWS: as technical development, our engineer would install 2.5.87 version ptt with dev2tool.exe in development model + 1.12 version ptt with dev2tool.exe in development model in 1 laptop and it tested works great .
It means: when you get this software from us, you could use the 2 software version into the same laptop
Real test with real vehicles.
PTT2.5.87: this is good for new volvo trucks
PTT1.12: this is good for volvo construction vehicles.
2.5.87 version --latest version
supports Volvo FH series & FM series vehicles.
SUPPORTS Volvo Trucks / Volvo busses/ Volvo construction Equipment like Wheel Loader/ Aryiculated Hauler / Excavator/ Grader / Skid steer Loader / Compact Excavator /Paver / Others,

We have install all software (PTT 2.04/VCADS Pro 3.01 version) well into this laptop(CF30 Laptop) and you could use directly when you get it.
Volvo developer tool software used together with PTT2.04 will allow you to program 11500 parameters
(speed programming, injectors programming, change CHASSIS ID , dissable immo , trip kilometers correction and fuel consumption saved in ECU , ........... )

Develop Tool(dev2tool) Keywords: Multilanguage, Support Version 4, Support FH/FM
Volvo Truck Excavator Super Programming Software Premium Tech Tool dev2tool.exe software
Premium Tech Tool Volvo developer tool
1. Dealer tool to access and program parameters in Level2 and Level3 without connecting to central severs;
2. Works with Tech Tool (VCADs Pro), Normal or Development mode, support 28 languages;
3. Support all brands and models supported by Tech Tool (VCADs Pro 3.0);
4. Make programmable more than 11000 parameters.
5. Program speed limit, change chassis ID, disable immobilizer;
6. Change minimum/maximum values of parameters, for example: increase speed limit;
Premium Tech Tool (PTT) is an application for the Aftermarket, developed to support efficient service and diagnostics. Premium Tech Tool is available as a connected version or as an unconnected version. The unconnected version is called Premium Tech Tool Connectionless (PTTC) and that is that we offer. PTTC is used in workshops that do not have internet access, but both versions are referred to as PTT. PTT provides access to the Guided Diagnostics and VCADS.

Vocom Communication Unit is designed with focus on robustness and durability to withstand the tough workshop environment.
·Improved LED indicators
·Improved quality of cables
·Military standard on connectors
·Better liquid and dust ingress protectors
·Metal casing and rubber bumbers for better robustness
Vocom Key Facts Parts no. for Vocom Cables
Temperature Range: -40° - +85° (Wian -20°- +65°) Protection Class: IP55
Shock Resistance: 2m
RoHS Conformance: Yes
Wlan: 802.11 b/g
Volvo vcads Vocom 88890300 Communication interface volvo diagnostic Euro 6 tool
Dev2tool is the Dealer tool to access and program parameters in Level2 and Level3 without connecting to central severs;Works with Tech Tool (VCADs Pro), Normal or Development mode, support 28 languages;
Support all brands and models supported by Tech Tool (VCADs Pro);
Make programmable more than 11000 parameters.
Program speed limit, change chassis ID, disable immobiliser;
Change minimum/maximum values of parameters, for example:increase speed limit;
The new rugged Communication UnitVocom 88890300 for the tough workshop environment and field service.